Petunia Girl has been talking to The Client.
Petunia Girl has been comparing The Client to a saint. She was referring to The Clients extraordinary patience and the understanding she exhibits towards The Architect with respect to the ongoing state of unfinishedness experienced by the inhabitants of Maison Camy.
(Petunia Girl is apparently a lot less saintlike with her man, but that’s a whole other discussion we ain’t going into).
So, Sunday last The Client decided to come down a notch or two in the sainthood rankings in order to make a few things very clear to The Architect. The essence of which was – that not being ‘poulets de printemps’ any more it would be greatly appreciated if one day soon she could expect to actually ‘live’ in the house instead of camping in it.
The Engineer has come back confirming more or less, give or take a couple of mm on the bolt diameter, The Architects specification for attaching the timber cladding.
Nothing to hold me back now.