Friday, 30 December 2011

Suburban garden dog town

The Skater, on some trumped up pretext, had already swung by Petunia Girl's office to have a sneak preview of the project. Apparently after a few suggestions he left satisfied. No doubt putting a few last minute touches to the 'skate' element of the program.
Ever since small The Skater has had pretentions as to being the designer for the garden. His initial ideas involved having an exit directly from his second floor bedroom via a near vertical ramp dropping down into a 'dog town' style Californian summer drought emptied swimming pool that occupied the whole of the rear garden. Since, his ideas have matured and been tempered by the increasing wisdom of his years. He is now wondering wether or not it's really fair to his parents to go off to college next year leaving them with a 'half pipe and street' area taking up most of the garden.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


I have been bypassed by The Client. Given my procrastination on the garden design (and works) she has decided to call in help from a professional. This is definitely a wise move on her part. From now on Petunia Girl will be looking after things. I am proposing my services as Project Manager just to keep myself in the loop.
Petunia Girl has been breaking my ears for years now, telling me that Landscape Architects do the old vegetable and paving thingy better than Architects. So now she'll have the chance to prove it. 

Sunday, 19 June 2011


Having just plucked up the courage to shift 15 cubic metres of site waste from the back yard, I am seriously thinking about turning the space into a garden. Blogging it just might be the best way to work up my enthusiasm.
The Skater tells me he knows how to build ramps and bowls in reinforced concrete. I suggested he draws a plan.