Hanging on the telephone
The ray of hope for The Client has been dashed by The Builder going off on holiday again. But, on the bright side The Architect has found a little wheel to go on the end of the gates. For a little wheel it's pretty tough. It can take easily up to 200Kg - which would make it a strong contender if you were ever considering making a pair (make that two) of roller skates for an elephant.
Whilst we're on the subject of elephants on roller skates I thought I'd just mention the winners in the utility company stakes - the ongoing race/struggle to connect The Maison Camy to the outside world by means of pipes tubes and câbles.
Outright winners for sheer efficiency, punctuality, simplicity, customer service and politeness are the Water Board - a round of applause for the Water Board (if you're wondering, it begins with a V and sounds a bit like the latin word for something you might catch in a changing room). Mind you, at at around 800 euros for the connection you expect at least a smidgen of service.
Second in line, but unfortunately no prize yet as they haven't crossed the finishing line, the Gas Company - come on guys you can do it! just a meter away from a bronze (a gas meter that is). Despite a little fuzziness in their customer relations due to a severe attack of privatisation they are getting things done. Holes have been dug.
Third place is waiting for the Telecom people. Waiting being the operative word. Telecom has been on the go for some three months now and still no sign of an appointment with a real human. I have in the meantime developed a habit. I am now a registered Call Centre Junky. If I don't get my fix of at least an hour listening to pre recorded messages or badly rehearsed how to deal with angry caller scenarios I'm screwed for the rest of the day. Today I got through to a technician. Someone who knew his twisted copper pair from his coaxial. It was like a revelation. Like talking to God. He told me everything was going to be alright. He promised me at least an 8Mb connection, who knows maybe 20?. He promised me someone would call back in 5 days. Funny, I seem to remember someone telling me that 3 months ago.............hey, there goes an elephant on roller skates !
just wonderin'...will The Client or the Skater, or even the Architect, be able to shift the gate--even with the wheel in place? a steady diet of wheatabix on the horizon?
I'm awfully touched by your concern for the lack of client side muscle. However, The Client has no intention of ever opening the big metal gates. As I have expounded on previous posts she is of the opinion that a car is a heap of scrap metal that does not merit being sheltered.
Maybe during New Year celebrations when the locals have a habit of sacrificing cars?
As for Wheatabix, I suspect that you have been too long in the British Isles if you consider to be edible something that resembles a blacklisted building material.
i typed wheaties first...
We don't understand!
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