'To all my friends' Happy New Year (100th blog post)
The Architect has not lived up to his promises yet again. The Client had to suffer the cold spell that heralded in the new year with a pile of snow covered insulation gracing the back garden.
Façade activities have been postponed until the beginning of March when the scaffolding arrives.
Still, things are looking up on the inside. This week the parquet gets laid. This will double our surface area and (very nearly) end our cohabitation with concrete dust.
The task has very wisely been entrusted to the capable hands of a professional - no not the man in Armani back from his wedding, but a more sensibly priced joiner from the provinces.
The Joiner and his team are very efficient. They have exceedingly cool tools that make The Architect a wee bit envious.
At the end of the week the floor and the two staircases will be finished leaving The Architect and The Client to finish the decorating at the weekend.