Thursday, 1 October 2009

Wave goodbye

This is the last photo taken before the larger than expected wave took me by surprise and permanently compromised the circuitry of my camera.

This, amongst other things, in part explains the recent lack of posting.

Interior joinery is now underway. The Skater has a partition and door to his room. A real kitchen has been promised for Xmas. The actual kitchen is made up of IKEA 'faktum' base units with no doors, which prompted the following heartfelt sarcastic comment from one architect’s SO (significant other) that visited recently: ‘oh, you’ve got an architect designed kitchen!.

The first furniture has been ordered by The Client. She has white card (carte blanche - ours avec moi) on choice and colour – the trade off for giving The Architect a free hand on the house itself. A lot of self doubt has been expressed since the order went in but I’m sure it’ll be just fine. We have 8 weeks to wait.

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