Thursday, 30 August 2007
Monday, 6 August 2007
A small interlude follows.....
A small interlude will follow in the time honoured tradition of the BBC potters wheel.
The Skater has decided to make a contribution to the future interior decoration and furnishing of the Maison Camy. He has built himself a table out of used skateboards. It will be a central feature in his room and is destined to support various pieces of electronic apparatus that keep him and his friends mesmorised for hours on end. Wind tunnel testing of the table unfortunately showed that glasses, cups of tea and beakers filled with orange juice have to be balanced at strategic points if they are not to slide off the edge skateboard style. Despite technical teething problems, The Skater is now, if anyone is interested, taking orders. Only problem is the delayed delivery. Customers have to pay for a brand new skateboard and then wait for their furniture whilst The Skater custom 'wears out' the boards - a little like those false antique country kitchen sideboards that get attacked with bicycle chains to give them that authentic feel.
Normal service will be resumed when the builders return from Portugal.
Published by
The Architect
Libellés : The Skater