The holidays are over. In the warm up to works getting underway again, this one is for The Skater He didn't waste any time when the purple flag was flying over the spot. Avoiding toxic runoff with a few grinds in the local bowl.
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The Architect
Libellés : The Skater
Les architectes sont comme les enseignants, toujours en vacances. A quand les 35h tant qu'on y est ?
Il serait peut-être temps de s'y remettre un peu avant que la client s'impatiente !
Bien sur quand je parle de vacances ça concerne les entrepreneurs, dont les labours physiques meritent bien du repos - nous les architectes - nous sommes jamais en vacance (peut etre un petit peu de temps en temp)
The Client has the patience of a Zen master and knows that all good things are worth waiting for.
I came back looking for some almost finished photos of the house. I could almost smell the sardines, and hear echoes of the skater's laughter in the background. But alas, alak, no September update. No painted walls (will they be painted over the dry lining?). No metal stair. And I'd promised the doc this was worth seeing (even visiting?)
Instead, a mystery. What is this purple flag?
Dear Teefee61 (could this 61 be your age I wonder?)
A purple flag is flown on the beach in France when the water is too polluted for people to swim in it.
This summer the pollution was due to toxic run-off. Heavy rains after a long (not so long in this case) dry period, wash all the toxic products - vehicule pollution on roads, fertilisers on farm land, pesticides, etc. into undersized storm drains and treatment plants - the overflow ends up directly in the sea.
Tell the doc he's more than welcome as long as he brings a bottle of vinho verde and a few acras.
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