Thursday, 8 November 2007


The tiler turned up. Mario he's called. The Builder did all the talking. Mainly to cover up a distinct lack of the local lingo on the part of Mario. We'll find out later if he merits the superlative first name of the legendary plumber.

In the meantime a bit of blatant publicity for someone who does merit a superlative. Stephen Yardley, artist and very good friend of The Architect and The Client, is exposing his work in The Long Gallery in Stroud, Gloucestershire. The exhibition opens on the 11th of December and runs up until Xmas.
The theme of Stephens work is landscape. Tending more and more towards the abstract his work captures the essence of the British countryside. He divides his time between Wales his home, and France where he has recently acquired a little property. (somewhere between Paris and Biarritz). I'm sure the French countryside will inspire the same genius in his work.

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