Friday, 9 November 2007

Tout ce qu'il te faut pour bander

Mario turned up again this morning. Unaccompanied by The Builder this time, communication proved difficult. The Architect trying feebly to make his French sound Portuguese by adding slushy bits at the end of every word. Tomorrow The Client has been promised a team for the plasterboard jointing. If things carry on at this rate she will be in for Xmas.

(Please note in the above photo the sacrificial item of clothing always left on site by builders as a decoy to make you think they're coming back - in fact they are such a necessary part of a builders kit that you can now buy them at PointP shrinkwrapped in lots of a hundred - 'decoy plaster stained clothing' )

The work surface / plan vasque for the bathroom is onto the second edition. We're having trouble with air bubbles. We've tried everything - vibrating the formwork, plasticisers, additives.....we've even considered resorting to the ancient roman method of adding blood, any volunteers? only Christians need apply.
So, it looks like we'll change direction, use the concrete form as a solid base for a glass mosaic. Well at least that's The Architects idea. The Client isn't all that keen on mosaic, she really prefers the black concrete. Being married to an architect all this time has seriously affected her colour sensibility.

A screed has been laid to form a base for the kitchen units. The circulation finish will be the parquet continued through from the adjacent living room.

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