Saturday, 31 March 2012

Shiso unusual

Petunia Girl has finished the project. It has been given the seal of approval by The Client. I'm verry happy with the project. I managed to squeeze two of my own 'must haves' into the programme. The first is a secret corner for a compost heap. The Client considers my obsession with compost heaps unhealthy so it's been relegated to the furthest corner of the garden behind a bush. The second is a place where I can grow herbs 'sous cloche', parsley, coriander, basil, chives, sorrel, mint and shiso.

The stone from the old house will be used to build a new wall to the north between our garden and the French Neighbour's garden. Running along the new stone wall will be a timber deck with cut out shapes for the herb garden. The central lawn is obligatory. Being a 'rostbif' in France it is expected of me that I have a lawn that is manicured, upon which I sit eating cucumber sandwiches. The furthest, western end will be planted with shrubs and a small tree. A steel and timber stair descending from the balcony (that has yet to be built) will connect the first floor with the garden. Under the balcony is a door that leads to the future tiny summer kitchen.

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