Saturday, 7 April 2012

Ground Designs

Every primetime makeover program needs an unrealistic deadline to hype up the entirely false sense of suspense and danger - you know, the bit where Kevin Mcloud walks off on his own to a secluded corner of the building site, looks the camera conspiratorially in the eye and says something along the following lines: 'The fondations aren't even poured. It's already the end of October. Jenny's quintuplets are three weeks overdue. Will Roger be able to lay bricks after his heart bypass surgery? Can their couple survive living up a tree in subzero temperatures?' zoom out, cue music, cue B&Q advert.

Well, our unrealistic deadline is the end of June.

Will the works be finished in time for The Skater's post exam farewell to secondary education garden party?

We're still out to tender after 2 months and still no offers......

Can Petunia Girl find a contractor in the knick of time.......

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