Monday 19 November 2007

24T et T42

The rudimentary elements of a kitchen are beginning to take shape on the first floor.

A trivial everyday act taken for granted, under current circumstances becomes a milestone on the road to practical completion. Of course, if this was a building site in the UK, the house would have already witnessed countless thousands of cups of tea. But, this being France, tea is definitely not a drink for workmen - you've more chance of seeing a labourer arriving on site with a pink cashmere scarf and a handbag than indulging in a mug of PG Tips.

The Client and The Architect have been drinking tea on site before. Here, enormous thanks is due to the never ending generous supply offered over the garden wall by The English Neighbour. But, these two cups, amidst dust and in near sub zero temperatures (heating not up and running before tuesday), are the first two cups of tea made in the Maison Camy.


Mario deserved the superlative and did a fine job on the bathroom tiling. This week is The Plumbers final fix, next week sees the flooring contractor and the week after is, cross fingers, D day.

This weekend The Portuguese Neighbour gave an enormous hand with the decoration, plastering walls as if icing one of his marvelous gateaux. The Client spent the weekend as gofer, delighting the salesmen at the local DIY superstore with her ignorance of the things she was required to find; une cloche de 35; molly de 8mm, bulle pour juge de paix; graisse de coude....etc.

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